Jean Nicolas Sébastien Allamand

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Jean Nicolas Sébastien Allamand

Jean Nicolas Sébastien Allamand also: Johannes Nicolaus Sebastianus Allamand (born September 18, 1713 in Lausanne , † March 2, 1787 in Leiden ) was a Swiss scientist.


He was the son of the rector of the high school in Lausanne. His younger brother Francois Louis Allamand (1709–1784) was a theologian and professor of Greek and ethics in Lausanne.

After studying theology at the University of Lausanne , Jean Nicolas Sébastien Allamand was accepted there in 1736 as a candidate for the ministry. He then traveled to the Netherlands, where he earned his living as a tutor for several families. Among them were two sons of Willem Jacob 's Gravesande , who got him excited about the natural sciences. Therefore he took up another study at the University of Leiden in 1740 . After Gravesande's death, he published his works from 1742.

In 1755 he was considered for the professorship of philosophy at the Illustren Schule in Deventer, but Nicolaus Heinecken (1719–1782) was preferred. It was during this time that his studies of electricity, especially the Leiden bottle , fall . On March 3, 1747 he became professor of philosophy at the University of Franeker , where he received an honorary doctorate in philosophy on April 3, 1748. On February 1, 1749 he received an appointment to the University of Leiden as a professor of philosophy and mathematics, which task he took on May 30, 1749 with the inaugural speech de vero philosopho . In 1751 he was commissioned to set up a cabinet for natural history, which became the forerunner of the natural history museum in Leiden.

In 1753 it was put in charge of his assistant Johannes le Francq van Berkhey . On September 19, 1761 he also became a professor of experimental physics, which he remained until his retirement in 1784. He also participated in the organizational tasks of the university and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1759/60 , which task he gave up with the speech de Philosophia recentiore . He was a member of the Royal British Society of Sciences in London in 1755 and of the Society of Sciences in Haarlem in 1754. In 1769 he became a member of the Académie des Sciences in Paris. He has not published many of his own works. Rather, he has appeared as a translator of the works of other scholars and as an editor of Gravesand's writings.

His marriage to Margaretha Crommelin (Crommelyn) remained childless. His widow married the Swiss miniature painter and entrepreneur Johann Heinrich von Hurter in 1790 .


  • Memoire contenant various experiences d 'electricite. Leiden 1748.
  • Oratio de vero philosopho. Leiden 1749.
  • Pensées anti-philosophique. 1751.
  • Album amicorum. 1752.
  • Specimen botanicum de Geraniis. 1759.


  • Elemens de Chymie par Herman Boerhaave. Amsterdam 1752, Volume 1 ( ).
  • Oeuvres philosophiques et mathématiques de MGJ's Gravesande. Amsterdam 1774.


  • GCB Suringar: Het Bijeenbrengen eener Verzameling van Naturlike Voorwerpen voor het akademisch Ounderwijs, omstreeks het midden der Eeuw. First Afzonderlijke Lessen over de Naturlijke Historie, door den Hoogleeraar Allamand en over de Zoölogie door Le Francq van Berkhey. In: Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde. HA Frijlink, Amsterdam, 1867, p. 265 f. ( ).
  • Cornelis de Waard: Allamand (Jean Nicolas Sébastien) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 1. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 75–77 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1911, reprint unchanged).
  • Abraham Jacob van der Aa : Biographical Woordenboek der Nederlanden. Verlag JJ van Brederode, Haarlem, 1852, Volume 1, p. 181 ( ).
  • Le conservateur suisse, ou Recueil complet des Étrennes helvétiennes. Benjamin Corbaz, Lausanne, 1829, volume 11, p. 343 f. ( , French).
  • Johann Christoph Strodtmann, Ferdinand Stosch: New learned Europe. JC Meissner, Wolfenbüttel, 1763, part 17, pp. 209-214 ( ).

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Individual evidence

  1. according to other October 18, 1716.
  2. ^ List of members since 1666: Letter A. Académie des sciences, accessed on October 1, 2019 (French).