Jean Reich

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Jean Reich
medal table

Sport shooting

SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Olympic Intermediate Games
silver Athens 1906 300 m military rifle
bronze Athens 1906 Military rifle 200 m (1874)
gold Athens 1906 FG three position fight 300 m (M)
World championships
silver Lyon 1904 FG three position fight
silver Lyon 1904 FG three position fight (M)
silver Brussels 1905 FG three position fight (M)
gold Milan 1906 FG three position fight (M)
silver Zurich 1907 FG three position fight
gold Zurich 1907 FG kneeling
silver Zurich 1907 FG standing
gold Zurich 1907 FG three position fight (M)
silver Vienna 1908 FG three position fight
silver Vienna 1908 FG kneeling
gold Vienna 1908 FG three position fight (M)
gold Hamburg 1909 FG three position fight (M)
gold Loosduinen 1910 FG three position fight
silver Loosduinen 1910 FG lying
bronze Loosduinen 1910 FG kneeling
gold Loosduinen 1910 FG standing
gold Loosduinen 1910 FG three position fight (M)
bronze Rome 1911 FG three position fight
silver Rome 1911 FG kneeling
gold Rome 1911 FG three position fight (M)
bronze Camp Perry 1913 FG kneeling
gold Camp Perry 1913 FG three position fight (M)

Jean Reich (born June 12, 1873 in Sennwald ; † March 7, 1950 in Thal SG ) was a Swiss sports shooter .


Jean Reich took part in the Olympic Intermediate Games in Athens in 1906 in eight disciplines. In the four individual pistol disciplines in which he competed, he also missed a front placement as he did with the free rifle at 300 m. With the military rifle at 300 m he took second place behind Louis-Marcel Richardet and ahead of Raoul de Boigne , with the military rifle from the model year 1874 at 200 m he came third behind Léon Moreaux and Louis-Marcel Richardet. In the team competition, he secured the gold medal with the free rifle when the Swiss team, which included Konrad Stäheli , Louis-Marcel Richardet, Alfred Grütter and Marcel Meyer de Stadelhofen , ahead of Norway and France in first place finished.

Reich won a total of 22 medals with the free rifle at world championships . He was world champion ten times, seven times between 1906 and 1913 with the team in three-position battles. In the individual competition he won the title in Loosduinen in 1910 , in the same year he also became world champion in the standing position. In 1907 he had already taken first place in the standing display in Zurich . In addition, Reich won nine silver and three bronze medals.

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