Jean Rudhardt

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Jean Rudhardt (born January 14, 1922 in Geneva ; † June 29, 2003 ) was a Swiss religious historian , Graecist and papyrologist .

After attending the Collège Calvin , Rudhardt studied at the University of Geneva , influenced by the Geneva Graecist Victor Martin (1886–1964) . Affected by tuberculosis himself , he was director of the Universitaire Suisse sanatorium in Leysin from 1953 to 1960 . After teaching Greek philology, papyrology and the history of religion, from 1965 to 1987 he held the chair for the history of religion at the University of Geneva, which is assigned to the Faculté des Lettres, and then remained connected to the university as professeur honoraire. His successor on the chair was Philippe Borgeaud (* 1946); since 2014 this has been occupied by Dominique Jaillard (* 1961).

Rudhardt mainly worked on Greek religion and mythology . The newly published monograph on the basic concepts of the Greek religion and the basic cult acts in classical Greece is still relevant in their field. Another of his monographs is devoted to Themis and the Horen , whom he interpreted as the goddesses of justice and peace. A major area on which Rudhardt published authoritative work was the phenomenon of orphics . In the papyrological field, he published the vision of Dorotheos with André Hurst and Olivier Reverdin , and the Codex of Visions with André Hurst . An attempt on the Greek religion and investigations into the Orphic hymns remained unfinished . Methodologically, Rudhardt started out from language and thinking as manifested in the texts.

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  • Notions fondamentales de la pensée religieuse et actes constitutifs du culte dans la Grèce classique. Droz, Genève 1958 (thèse de doctorat), new edition Picard, Paris 1992.
  • Le thème de l'eau primordiale dans la mythologie grecque (= Swiss Spiritual Science Society. Writings. Vol. 12). Francke, Bern 1971.
  • You myth, de la religion grecque et de la compréhension d'autrui. Droz, Genève 1981 (Revue Européenne des sciences sociales et Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, Tome XIX n ° 58).
  • Thémis et les Hôrai. Research on les divinités grecques de la justice et de la paix. Droz, Genève 1999.
  • Opera inedita. Essai sur la religion grecque & Recherches sur les Hymnes orphiques. Liège 2008 (= Kernos . Supplément 19) (contains a list of publications by Ph. Matthey). - Review by: Alain Blanc, Revue des Études Grecques 123, 2010, pp. 477–479, online


  • with André Hurst et Olivier Reverdin (eds.): Papyrus Bodmer XXIX. Vision de Dorothéos. Edité avec une introduction, une traduction et des notes. Martin Bodmer Foundation, Genève 1984.
  • with André Hurst (Ed.): Papyri Bodmer XXX – XXXVII. Codex of Vision. Poèmes diverse. Édités avec une introduction générale, des traductions et des notes. Saur, Munich 1999.


  • Les mythes grecs relatifs à l'instauration du sacrifice: les rôles corrélatifs de Prométhée et de son fils Deucalion. In: Museum Helveticum 27, 1970, pp. 1–15.
  • Troisproblemèmes de géométrie conservés par un papyrus genevois. In: Museum Helveticum 35, 1978, pp. 233-240.
  • Considérations sur la notion de sebas. In: Homère chez Calvin. Mélanges Olivier Reverdin. Droz, Genève 2000, pp. 421-434.
  • Quelques remarques sur la notion d'aidôs. In: Édouard Delruelle, Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge (eds.), Κῆποι. De la religion à la philosophy. Mélanges offerts à André Motte. Liège, 2001 (Kernos Supplément no.11), pp. 1–21.
  • Les deux mères de Dionysos, Perséphone et Sémélé, dans les Hymnes Orphiques. In: Revue de l'histoire des religions 219, 2002, pp. 483–501.


  • Orphisme et Orphée en l'honneur de Jean Rudhardt. Texts réunis et édités by Philippe Borgeaud . Droz, Genève, 1991.
  • Philippe Borgeaud: Homage to Jean Rudhardt. In: Kernos 17, 2004, pp. 9-11, download .
  • André Hurst : De la philologie selon Jean Rudhardt et de la compréhension d'autrui. In: Kernos 21, 2008, 131-137. online .

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