Jean de Schelandre

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Jean de Schelandre (born February 10, 1584 near Verdun , † October 18, 1635 in Azannes-et-Soumazannes , Département Meuse ) was a French writer.


Schelandre (who comes from the German-speaking family: Thin von Schlanders ) fought as a Protestant nobleman in the Netherlands against the Spaniards and died of the long-term effects of his injuries. In 1608 he wrote a tragedy called Tyr et Sidon , which he reworked in 1628 in a second version into a tragic comedy . It represents an attempt at an unclassical play in Shakespeare style (with a sometimes coarse tone), whereby the (fruitless) rebellion against the incipient Classical music ( François de Malherbe ) is theoretically supported by a foreword by François Ogier (1597-1670). Despite some strong characters ( Kassandra ), the piece has only recently been appreciated.


  • Daniel d'Anchères (pseudonym), Tyr et Sidon ou Les funestes amours de Belcar et Meliane. Tragédie , Paris, Micard, 1608; critical ed. by Jules Haraszti , Paris, E. Cornély, 1908; Paris, Nizet, 1975.
    • Tyr et Sidon ou, Les funestes amours de Belcar et Méliane. Tragicomédie divisée en deux journées , Paris, R. Estienne, 1628; ed. by Joseph William Barker (1943–2009), Paris, Nizet, 1974 (originally Diss. Emory University 1970).
  • Les trois premiers tableaux de penitence dediées av Roy de la Grande Bretaigne , Paris, 1609.
    • Les Sept Excellents tableaux de la pénitence de Saint Pierre , Sedan, 1636.
  • Les deux premiers livres de la Stuartide en l'honneur de la tres-illustre maison des Stuarts , Paris, Fleury Bourriquant, 1611 (epic poem).
  • Amours d'Anne , ed. by Giovanna Melis, Pisa, ETS, 1993.


  • Charles Asselineau, Notice sur Jean de Schelandre, poëte verdunois (1585-1635) , Alençon, Poulet-Malassis et de Broise, 1856 (73 pages).
  • Gustave Cohen , Ecrivains français en Hollande dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle , The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1921.
  • Jacques Morel, La tragédie , Paris, Colin, 1964, pp. 89-90, 231-33.
  • Laffont-Bompiani. Le nouveau dictionnaire des oeuvres de tous les temps et de tous les pays , Paris 1994, p. 2887 (Bouquins series).
  • Gillian Jondorf, Schelandre, in: The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French , Oxford / New York, Clarendon Press, 1995 sv
  • Jean-Pierre Ryngaert, "Jean de Schelandre", in: Dictionnaire des écrivains de langue française , ed. by Jean-Pierre Beaumarchais, Daniel Couty and Alain Rey, Paris, Larousse, 2001, pp. 1765–1766.
  • Jean Rohou, La tragédie classique 1550-1793. Histoire. Theory. Anthology , Rennes, Presses Universitaires, 2009.

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