Yehuda Shenhaw

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Yehuda Shenhaw , Hebrew יהודה שנהב, also Jehuda Schenhaw Schaharbani , common international spelling Yehouda Shenhav ; (Born February 26, 1952 in Be'er Scheva ) is an Israeli sociologist , representative of critical theory , professor at Tel Aviv University and one of the founders of the Democratic Mizrachi Rainbow .


Schenhaw's father worked in the Israeli secret service. When Yehuda was three years old, the family moved to Tel Aviv , and when he was ten years old, to Petach Tikva . He received his bachelor's degree in sociology from Tel Aviv University and later from Stanford University , where he received his doctorate in 1985.

In addition to his professorship at Tel Aviv University, Schenhaw also taught at various universities in the USA . Since 2000 he has been the editor of Theory and Criticism , and since 2003 one of the editors of Organizational Studies .

His last name Schenhaw is the Hebrew word for ivory and sounds like the original Iraqi surname Schaharbani (after the place Schahraban, today Al-Mukdadija).

Political activity

In 1996 he founded the Democratic Mizrachi Rainbow with Wiki Schiran , Jossi Dahan , Pnina Motzafi-Haller and others . Two very different attitudes helped: one thought that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was coming to an end and one could now talk about the other social problems, the other thought that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was at the center and the other social Not to neglect problems.

In an article in late 1996, he wrote that the Ashkenazi intellectual elite had no problem recognizing the injustice Israel had done to the Palestinians because it would not jeopardize their position in Israeli society. However, if the injustice committed by Ashkenazi-dominated Israeli society to the Mizrahim were recognized, this would upset the hierarchy in Israeli society.

The identity politics of the rainbow is criticized from different sides.


Rationality and Bureaucracy

Schenhaw disagreed in his 1999 Oxford University Press published book Manufacturing rationality , the concept of bureaucracy by Max Weber . He claimed that this system was not necessarily accurate and efficient, but was dependent on culture, society and economy. He showed how the ideology developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor was designed to increase the power of managers not only over the workers but also over the capitalists.

Stratification and Ethnicity

In 2006, Schenhaw's book The Arab Jews - A Postcolonial Reading of Nationalism, Religion, and Ethnicity was published . In it, Schenhaw deals with the two major issues of the Arab Jews in Israel and the Palestinian refugees in context, thereby counteracting the common segregation of the two issues. He analyzes how the two issues were cut off from one another by the Ashkenazi elite.

Postcolonialism and Multiculturalism

Schenhaw describes the encounter of the Ashkenazi with the native Arabs and the Arab Jews as a colonial encounter. He edited texts by Frantz Fanon , Homi K. Bhabha and Edward Said . His program, the Israeli society should become a multicultural one, includes feminist, postcolonial and postmodern aspects. Identity is a fluid and dynamic term here.


  • Yehouda Shenhav: Manufacturing rationality. Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999 (English), ISBN 0-19-829630-4
  • Yehouda Shenhav: The Arab Jews. A postcolonial reading of nationalism, religion, and ethnicity. Stanford University Press, Stanford 2006 (English), transl. From d. Hebrew, ISBN 0-8047-5296-6
  • Yehouda Shenhav: Beyond the two-state solution. A Jewish political essay. Polity Press, Cambridge 2012 (English), ISBN 978-0-7456-6028-8
  • Elias Houri: Jalde ha-geto. Schmi Adam (The children of the ghetto. My name is Adam). Olam chadasch, Tel Aviv 2018 (Hebrew), from d. Arab. v. J. Schenhaw Schaharbani, ISBN 9789657653524

Individual evidence

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