Jenő László

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Jenő László

Jenő László (actually Löwy ; born March 5, 1878 in Szatmárnémeti , † December 29, 1919 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian lawyer, revolutionary and politician .


In 1907 László joined the left wing around Gyula Alpári of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party ( Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt , MSZDP). In articles in the social democratic newspaper Népszava (Eng. "People's Voice") László repeatedly attacked the monarchist administration. He worked as a lawyer for the Metalworkers Union.

In October 1918 he took an active part in the aster revolution . László was one of the organizers of the Communist Party of Hungary ( Kommunisták Magyarországi Pártja , KMP) and had been a member of the Central Committee since it was founded in November 1918. He and other party leaders were arrested in February 1919. László was the political commissioner of the Revolutionary Court of the Hungarian Soviet Republic (March 21 - August 1, 1919).

After Horthy's troops marched into Budapest on November 16, 1919, László was arrested, tortured for weeks and finally executed.
