Yenisei (ship)

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The Yenisei in Sevastopol
The Yenisei in Sevastopol
Ship data
flag RussiaRussia Russia
Ship type Hospital ship
home port Sevastopol
Owner ВМФ-ЧФ Black Sea Fleet
Shipyard Adolf Barsky, Szczecin
Build number B320 / 2
Keel laying September 10, 1979
Launch April 4, 1980
Ship dimensions and crew
152.6 m ( Lüa )
width 19.4 m
Draft Max. 6.39 m
displacement Full: 11623
crew 124 sailors, 83 medics
Machine system
machine 2 × 12ZV40 diesel engine
2 × 7,800 hp (5,737 kW)
19.8 kn (37 km / h)
propeller 2
IMO no. 8956475

The Yenisei ("Енисей") is a ship of Project 320 , which includes four hospital ships of the Russian Navy :

  • Whether ( «Обь» ) in the Pacific Fleet ,
  • Yenisei ( "Енисей" ), IMO 8956475, internationally registered as Yenisey , in the Black Sea Fleet ,
  • Irtysh ( «Иртыш» ) and
  • Svir ( "Свирь" ) in the Northern Fleet .

The ships can pick up and care for the wounded both at sea and in port. In addition, they have a gangway on each side , a loading harness for taking over injured persons or cargo, a helicopter landing deck aft with Kamow Ka-25 Ts on-board helicopters and several dinghies.

The individual medical departments on board are: surgery, intensive care, therapeutic and outpatient departments, X-ray cabins , diagnostic center, pharmacy and medical technology.

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