Jens Bülte

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Jens Michael Bülte (* 1976 in Mönchengladbach ) is a German lawyer and professor at the University of Mannheim .


After graduating from high school in 1995 at the St. Wolfhelm High School in Schwalmtal and the subsequent civil service, Bülte began studying law at the University of Trier in the 1996/97 winter semester . He completed this in 2001 with the first state examination in law. After completing his legal clerkship in Trier, Düsseldorf and Viersen, Bülte passed his second state examination in 2004.

From 2005, Bülte worked as a public prosecutor in Aachen . In 2006 he was admitted to the Düsseldorf bar. In May 2007, Bülte completed his doctorate with Volker Krey in Trier. jur. from. He then worked as a research assistant with Gerhard Dannecker at the University of Heidelberg , where he devoted himself to his habilitation. He completed this in October 2012 and received the venia legendi for the subjects of criminal law, criminal procedural law, European and international criminal law and commercial criminal law. In the winter semester of 2012/13 he took the chair of the retired Thomas Hillenkamp in Heidelberg , followed by a deputy chair at the University of Mannheim in 2013 . He has been a full professor there since February 2014 and holds the chair for criminal law, criminal procedural law and commercial criminal law.

Fonts (selection)

  • The money laundering legislation as a basis for authorizing the exchange of information between the tax authorities and the law enforcement agencies - At the same time, a constitutional consideration of §§ 30 IV, 370a AO, 261 StGB, 10, 11 GwG . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-631-56163-8 . (Dissertation)
  • Supervisor responsibility in criminal law . Nomos, Baden-Baden 2015, ISBN 978-3-8487-1794-1 . (Habilitation thesis)
  • Joachim Bohnert & Jens Bülte: Administrative offense law . 5th edition. CH Beck, Munich 2016, ISBN 978-3-406-68942-0 .

In addition, Bülte is co-editor of the New Journal for Economic, Tax and Corporate Criminal Law (NZWiSt) .

Web links