Jens Schröter (theologian)

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Jens Schröter (born September 30, 1961 in Berlin ) is a German Protestant theologian specializing in the New Testament . His research areas include the Lord's Supper , the reception of Jesus' words and the New Testament apocrypha .

Life and academic activity

Schröter studied Protestant theology from 1982 to 1989 in Jena, Hamburg and Heidelberg, where he passed the first theological exam in 1989 at the Evangelical Church in Baden . In 1992 he was at the Theological Faculty of the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg Dr. theol. PhD (PhD supervisor: Klaus Berger ). From 1992 to 1998 he worked as a research assistant, initially at the Church University of Berlin-Zehlendorf , and since 1993 at the theological faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin (chair Cilliers Breytenbach ). Here Schröter completed his habilitation in 1996 in the New Testament .

After a substitute professor for biblical studies at the Institute for Protestant Theology of the Erfurt University of Education (1997–1998), Schröter was appointed to the chair for New Testament in the Department of Protestant Theology at the University of Hamburg in 1998 , which he held until 2003. From 2003 to 2009 Schröter was Professor of Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament at the Theological Faculty of the University of Leipzig ; In September 2009 he accepted a call to the chair for Exegesis and Theology of the New Testament and the New Testament Apocrypha at the Theological Faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin.

Schröter was also visiting professor at the Department of Religious Studies at Rice University in Houston, Texas (USA) in 2001 and visiting professor at the 2006 theological academic year in Jerusalem .

Schröter's main research interests lie in the areas of canonical and extra-canonical Jesus tradition , the history of early Christianity, the history of reception and theology of the New Testament, and the ancient Christian apocrypha.

Schröter is among other things co-editor of the supplements to the journal for New Testament science and the knowledge of older church history , the treatises on theology of the Old and New Testament and the Berlin Theological Journal . He is also the Managing Editor of Early Christianity magazine .

Schröter incorporates more recent approaches to historical theory (such as those by Johannes Fried and Paul Ricœur ). He has doubts about the two-source theory , especially about the hypothetical source of logic Q. With regard to the canon of the New Testament , Schröter distinguishes “between a core and blurred edges”, whereby the four Gospels and the Epistles of Paul “have been an integral part of the recognized scriptures from earlier times”, while the Revelation of John , the Letter to the Hebrews , the Shepherd of Hermas or the Revelation of Peter stood at the margin.

He is married and has two children.

Fonts (selection)

  • The reconciled reconciler. Paul as an indispensable mediator in the process of salvation between God and the community according to 2 Cor 2,14–7,4 (= texts and works on the New Testament age. Vol. 10). Francke, Tübingen u. a. 1993, ISBN 3-7720-1889-0 (also: Heidelberg, Universität, Dissertation, 1992).
  • Remembering Jesus' words. Studies on the reception of the logia tradition in Markus, Q and Thomas (= scientific monographs on the Old and New Testament. Vol. 76). Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1997, ISBN 3-7887-1646-0 (At the same time: Berlin, Humboldt University, modified habilitation paper, 1996/97).
  • Jesus and the beginnings of Christology. Methodological and exegetical studies on the origins of the Christian faith (= biblical-theological studies. Vol. 47). Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 2001, ISBN 3-7887-1877-3 .
  • Jesus of Nazareth. Jew from Galilee - savior of the world (= Biblical figures. Vol. 15). Evangelische Verlags-Anstalt, Leipzig 2006, ISBN 3-374-02409-2 , 22009; 32010; 42012.
  • From Jesus to the New Testament. Studies on the early Christian history of theology and the emergence of the New Testament canon (= Scientific investigations on the New Testament. Vol. 204). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2007 (includes 16 articles from 2000-2007), study edition 2008, ISBN 978-3-16-149231-0 .
  • Take - eat and drink. Understand and celebrate the sacrament. kbw - Bibelwerk, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-460-30024-8 .
  • Jesus Christ (Subjects of Theology 4213). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (UTB), 2014.
  • (with Konrad Schmid ): The Origin of the Bible. From the first texts to the scriptures. C. H. Beck, Munich 2019, ISBN 978-3-406-73946-0 .
  • The Apocryphal Gospels: Jesus Traditions Outside the Bible . Munich: CH Beck, 2020. ISBN 3406750184 .

Web links

Single receipts

  1. Compilation of some basic features of Schröter's theological view in Franz Graf-Stuhlhofer in his review of Schröter: From Jesus to the New Testament , 2007, in the Jahrbuch für Evangelical Theologie 24, 2010, pp. 286–288.
  2. Schröter: From Jesus to the New Testament , 2007, chap. 5.
  3. Schröter: From Jesus to the New Testament , 2007, pp. 339, 343.