Jesús Alfonso Arreola Pérez

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Jesús Alfonso Arreola Pérez (born June 28, 1936 in Saltillo , Coahuila , † September 30, 2010 ibid) was a Mexican historian and politician .


After attending the state normal school, he studied social science at the higher normal school ( Normal Superior ). He then studied the Spanish language and Spanish literature at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

In 1975 he was appointed director of education in its administration by Oscar Flores Tapia , the governor of Coahuila state . Between 1987 and 1983 he was Minister of Education ( Secretario de Educación ) in the government of Coahuila State during the tenure of Governor Eliseo Mendoza Berrueto .

Most recently, as professor, he was President of the College of Historical Studies ( Colegio de Investigaciones Históricas ) of Coahuila.

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