Jiao Xun

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Jiao Xun ( Chinese  焦循 , Pinyin Jiāo Xún , W.-G. Chiao Hsün , also Litang理 堂; 1763 - 1820 ) was a scholar and philosopher of the Qing Dynasty .


Jiao came from Ganquan (now Yangzhou in Jiangsu Province ). Influenced by his family, he began studying the Confucian classics at a young age, especially the Book of Changes . In 1801 he successfully passed the state tests at the provincial level (d. E. The exam for Juren ), the following year he went to Beijing and took part in unsuccessful capital test. He then gave up his hopes for a civil servant career and decided to study the classics privately at home and devote himself to writing. He was also well versed in history, math, calendar studies, philology, and drama. As a philosopher, his main contribution to the study of the Book of Changes is its use of mathematical principles. As for the relationships between human nature and desire, he argued that human nature is primarily motivated by the desire for food and sex, as is the case with other animals. The difference would be in man's ability to acquire knowledge by which he could regulate his desires in such a way that he could prevent disasters that would affect his survival or the existence of the group. In and of itself, like Dai Zhen (1724–1777), whom he admired and whom he followed in many respects, he represented a regulation, not a suppression of human desire. He interpreted the way ( dao ) as the generally correct passage through human life, and li as the passage that is individually suitable for people. His main works include Mengzi zhengyi 孟子 正義 (Corrected Interpretation of Mengzi ), Lunyu tongshi 論語通 釋 (General Interpretation of the Conversations of Confucius ) and his Three Books on the Book of Changes ( Yixue sanshu易学 三 书 or Diaogulou Yixue sanshu雕 菰 楼易学 三 书, ie his three writings summarized under this title Yitongshi易通 釋, Yitulüe易 圖 略 and Yizhangju易 章句).


see. HYDZD bibliography 0001, 0009, 0015, 0057, 2443, 2444:

  • Zhouyi bushu周易 补 疏 ( Huang Qing jingjie )
  • Chunqiu Zuozhuan bushu左传 旧 注疏 证 ( Huang Qing jingjie )
  • Mengzi zhengyi孟子 正义 ( Huang Qing jingjie )
  • Liji bushu礼记 补 疏 ( Huang Qing jingjie )
  • Diaogu ji雕 菰 集 ( Wenxuanlou congshu文选 楼 丛书)
  • Yi yu yue lu易 余 籥 录 ( Muxilou congshu木樨 楼 丛书)

See also

References and footnotes

  1. The word yù 欲 translates the New Chinese-German Dictionary with: Desire; Lust; Wish; Desire.
  2. Article: “Jiao Xun”, in: Han-Ying Zhongguo zhexue cidian. Kaifeng 2002, p. 617
  3. Fang Chao-ying: "Chiao Hsün" ( ECCP) : "He interpreted tao 道 as the proper 'thoroughfare' of human life in general, and li 理 as the thorough-fare which is suited to man individually."


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