Jizchak Lowy

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Jizchak Löwy (born September 10, 1887 in Warsaw , then Weichselland , † 1942 in the Treblinka extermination camp ) was a Jewish-Polish actor and close friend of Franz Kafka . He led a theater group from 1911 and was murdered in the Treblinka extermination camp in 1942.


Jizchak Löwy was the son of devout Hasidic Jews who rejected his enthusiasm for the theater. At the age of 17 he went to Paris and initially worked in a factory. He made his first appearance as an actor in 1905 with an amateur theater group. From 1906 he traveled with a professional group to Basel, Zurich, Vienna and Berlin. In 1911/12 he made a guest appearance in Prague , where he met Franz Kafka, who supported him with an evening of recitation that he organized. He exchanged letters with Kafka, of which a letter from 1914 has been preserved. An own theater group was not a success. Löwy appears as the narrator in Kafka's fragment Vom Jewish Theater .

In Budapest Löwy appeared as a reciter during the First World War . There he met Kafka for the last time in 1917. From 1920 Löwy lived again in Prague and later in Warsaw. He was probably deported from the Warsaw Ghetto in the summer of 1942 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Mention of Löwys in the article about Franz Kafka in the Neue Deutsche Biographie