Joachim Christian Coch

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Joachim Christian Coch , also Koch , (* before 1647 in Stralsund ; † 1713 in Wismar ) was a German legal scholar in Swedish Pomerania and a judge at the Wismar Tribunal .


Joachim Christian Coch, son of court judge and councilor Christian Coch and grandson of Rostock councilor Joachim Coch, studied together with his older brother Alexander Coch at the University of Greifswald , went to the University of Helmstedt in 1663 and together with Alexander to the University of Heidelberg in 1664 . In Greifswald, he received his doctorate in law in 1673 and was appointed to an extraordinary professorship in 1674. In 1674 he became a trainee lawyer and protonotary at the court in Wolgast .

In 1676 he was raised to the Swedish nobility while retaining his name. In 1681 he was appointed assessor at the Wismar Tribunal.

Joachim Christian Coch had been married to Barbara Katharina von Engelbrechten, a daughter of the Tribunal Assessor Georg von Engelbrechten , since 1674 . The marriage had four daughters and six sons.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bettina Kazan: Christian Koch . In: Nils Jörn (Ed.): The Pomeranian Court Courts. History, staff, research problems. Kovač, Hamburg 2007, p. 223, footnote 19.
  2. ^ Johann Gottfried Ludwig Kosegarten : History of the University of Greifswald with documented enclosures. Volume 1, Greifswald 1857, p. 267 ( Google books ).
  3. ^ Nils Jörn: The presentations of the Swedish crown to the Reich Chamber of Commerce. In: Anette Baumann u. a. (Ed.): Reich staff. Officials for emperor and empire. Böhlau, Cologne 2003, ISBN 3-412-18303-2 , p. 225 ( Google books ).