Joachim Lucas Stein

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Joachim Lucas Stein (born December 11, 1711 in Rostock , † June 27, 1785 ibid) was a German lawyer and legal scholar of the 18th century.


Stein studied from 1728 first at the University of Rostock, from 1733 in Halle / Saale law. In 1735 he gained his first practical experience with the Reichshofrat in Vienna and then worked in Rostock as a lawyer in his home town of Rostock from the end of the same year. There he received his doctorate in both rights in 1735. Due to the law acquired with his doctorate, he held lectures at the University of Rostock, mainly on Lübschen law , which also forms the focus of his written work as a German lawyer. As such, he stood in the shadow of his great role model David Mevius .


  • Thorough treatise of Lueb's law, from which this Jus Germanicum, which originates from middle ages, is derived from the true sources and sufficiently expliciret , Leipzig 1738; Part 2, Leipzig 1741; Part 3 and 4, Rostock 1745.


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