Jodokus Jost

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Jodokus Jost , called Jost von Brechershäusern (* probably November 2, 1589 in Wynigen , † before August 24, 1657 in Wynigen), was a Swiss farmer and chronicler.

Jost was a rich farmer on the Brechershäusern farm in the municipality of Wynigen in the canton of Bern . He wrote a chronicle of current events on site, in Switzerland and worldwide. a. the Swiss Peasants' War of 1653 and the First Villmerger War of 1656.

Text output

  • The chronicle of Jost von Brechershäusern , in: Burgdorfer Jahrbuch 25, 1958, 92–132

Secondary literature

  • Alfred Bärtschi: The Chronicle of Josts von Brechershäusern , in: Burgdorfer Jahrbuch 25, 1958, 79-92
  • Richard Feller , Edgar Bonjour : Historiography of Switzerland from the late Middle Ages to the modern age , Basel ² 1979, 1, 359 f
  • Danièle Tosato-Rigo: La chronique de Jodocus Jost, miroir d'un paysan bernois au XVIIe siècle , Diss. Lausanne 2000

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