Johan Christiaan Gottlob Evers

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Johan Christiaan Gottlob Evers

Johan Christiaan Gottlob Evers also: Johannes Christian Gottlob Evers (born October 18, 1818 in The Hague , † January 28, 1886 there ) was a Dutch doctor.


The son of the confectioner Arie Evers and his wife Agate Arnoldina Raupach, matriculated on August 18, 1836 at the University of Leiden as a medical student. In 1840 he completed an educational trip that took him to Paris . Here he attended lectures by Gabriel Andral , Françoise Chomel (1788-1858), Jean Cruveilhier and Alfred-Armand-Louis-Marie Velpeau . He completed further studies in Vienna with Josef von Škoda and Carl von Rokitansky . Finally he came to Berlin where he met Johann Lukas Schönlein and Johann Franz Simon (1807–1843). Returned to his native Netherlands, he received his doctorate on September 22, 1841 in Leiden with the medical treatise continens brevem conspectum morborum hoc anno in clinico Cl. Pruys van der Hoeven observatorum doctor of medicine.

He then worked as a doctor in The Hague, where he gained a lot of recognition. He was co-editor of the journal Boerhaave and the journal medical , which soon ceased operations. In 1848 he initiated the founding of the Dutch Society for the Promotion of Medicine, in which the most important doctors in the Netherlands were to be accepted. On June 1, 1864, he was appointed professor of medicine at the University of Leiden, teaching medicine and pathology. He took on this task on September 23rd that year with the introductory speech De ervaring aan het ziekbed as de grondslag der Eigenlijke geneeskunst . As an advisor to Johan Rudolf Thorbecke in the field of medical science, he had an important influence on the shaping of the medical laws of the Netherlands from 1865.

He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leiden Academy and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1869/70 . For health reasons, because of a stomach ailment, he asked to be released from his professorship. On January 7, 1873 his request was obeyed, he was retired by royal resolution and retired on May 1, 1873. He settled back in The Hague, where he became a member of the local council on September 5, 1873 and campaigned for the city's hygienic needs. His opinion was highly valued in The Hague and he was a member of the municipal hospital committee there. In 1884 he resigned from his offices there for health reasons. After trying to recover abroad, he eventually died in his hometown.

Evers had on August 16, 1855 in de Bilt with Hendrika Klazina Ebeling (born May 29, 1827 in Amsterdam, † January 3, 1893 in The Hague), the daughter of Anthonij Ebeling (1788-1849) and Jacqueline Johanna Strick van Linschoten (1794–1862), married.


  • Diss. Medic. inauguralis continens brevem conspectum morborum hoc anno in clinico Cl. Pruys van der Hoeven observatory. The Hague 1841
  • De ervaring aan het ziekbed as the fundamentals of the original genius art. Leiden 1864
  • De verbetering van ons geneskundig onderwijs. In: De Gids. PN van Kampen, Amsterdam 1848, vol. 12, p. 615;
  • Gezondheidsleer-Voeding with J. de Witte van Citters. In: De Gids. PN van Kampen, Amsterdam 1851, vol. 15, p. 439
  • Iets over bronchitis drunk uit de lessen van Dr. Gendrin, registered in de Ecole pratique te Parijs in 1842. In: Boerhaave. Tijdschrift v. genes, heel, raffled artsenijmengkunde. The Hague 1844, p. 1
  • Tetanus febrilis. In: Boerhaave. Tijdschrift v. genes, heel, raffled artsenijmengkunde. The Hague 1844, p. 164
  • The maatschappij tot before the geneskunde en het ontwerp van wet. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 1863, p. 79
  • De sterfte der kraamvrouwen voor eene eeuw en thans. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 1864, p. 147
  • Statistieke opgave omtrent het begin en het ophouden of menstruatie. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 1837, Vol. I, p. 407
  • Bydrage tot de levolkingsleer in Nederland. 1882
  • Beteekenis van den leeftijd voor de cholera-sterfte. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 1884, p. 1089
  • Nog iets over het voorstel Oldambt en de toelichting des heeren Kg. In: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. 1885, Vol. I, p. 477
  • Statistiek van het jaarlijksch verloop van sommige ziekten in iedere straat van 's Gravenhage, 1815-55, 1866-83. The Hague 1884


  • Paul Henri Simon Thomas: EVERS (Johan Christiaan Gottlob) . In: Petrus Johannes Blok , Philipp Christiaan Molhuysen (Ed.): Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek . Part 4. N. Israel, Amsterdam 1974, Sp. 582–583 (Dutch, / - first edition: AW Sijthoff, Leiden 1918, reprinted unchanged).
  • August Hirsch : Biographical lexicon of the outstanding doctors of all times and peoples. Verlag Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig, 1885, Vol. 2, p. 316
  • AJ Servaas van Rooyen: Dr. Johan Christiaan Gottlob Evers. In: DA van Waalwijk: Het Leeskabinet. Mengelwerk dead gezellig Onderhoud voor beschaafde Kringen. 1886, Volume 1, p. 177

Web links

Commons : Johan Christiaan Gottlob Evers  - Collection of images, videos and audio files