Johan Devos

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Johan Devos (born May 10, 1966 in Roeselare ) is a former Belgian cyclist and national champion in cycling .

Athletic career

After winning several medals at the Belgian track championships as a junior , he was able to win the silver medal in points at the UCI track world championships for juniors in 1984 . Devos started as an amateur for the WSC Torhout club . He won the Belgian championship in team time trial in 1986 with the club's four-way four . In 1987 he drove the International Peace Tour and finished 104th, one of the last places.

From 1988 to 1994 he was a professional driver , his first team was the ADR racing team , in which Johan Museeuw also drove. In his first year as a professional he won some of the Belgian criteria. By the end of his career, he was successful in some of these races each year. His most significant success in a one-day race was victory in the Halle – Ingooigem race in 1993.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ German Cycling Association of the GDR (ed.): The cyclist . No. 17/1987 . Berlin 1987, p. 4 .
  2. Maik Märtin: 50 years of Course de la Paix . Agency Construct, Leipzig 1998, p. 234 .