Johann-Christian Pielow

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Johann-Christian Pielow (born July 11, 1957 in Göttingen ) is a German legal scholar .


Johann-Christian Pielow studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster , the University of Lausanne and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) . After his first state examination in 1983 and a legal clerkship, he passed his second state examination in 1987. He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Public Law and Administrative Studies at the University of Cologne under Klaus Stern , and in 1988 he switched to Peter Tettinger's chair for public law . In 1992 he was with the work Autonomía local in Spain and local self-government in Germany: a comparative study with a view of basic structures and current problems at the Law Faculty of the Ruhr-University Bochum for Dr. iur. PhD . After working at the Institute for Mining and Energy Law at the Ruhr University Bochum , he completed his habilitation in 1998 with the text Basic Structures of Public Supply - Requirements of European as well as French and German law with special consideration of the electricity industry ; he received the venia legendi for public law and European law .

After Visiting Professor at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn , the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich , the Technical University of Dresden and the Universities of Cologne and Bochum, he received in 2004 a call to the professor of Business Law at the Faculty of Economics of RUB Bochum.

Since 2003 Pielow has also been Managing Director of the Institute for Mining and Energy Law at the Ruhr University. Since 2003 he has been a member of the board of directors of the Institute for European Economy (IEW).

He has been a member of the Catholic student association KDStV Winfridia (Breslau) Münster in the CV since 1977 .


In his research work, Pielow deals with German and European economic constitutional and economic administrative law, in particular the topic of services of general interest and energy supply . He has published numerous scientific publications and is an editor at the specialist magazine Law of the Energy Industry . Among other things, he is a member of the European Academy in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.

Pielow is the initiator of the International Energy Law network , which includes universities in Almería, Bologna, Dundee, Graz, Copenhagen, Krakow, Madrid, Oslo, Prague, Rome and Tilburg. The aim is to exchange ideas on energy-related topics beyond Germany's borders.

He is a participant in the research project Unbundling of Energy Companies - UNECOM , an investigation into competition in the European energy market.

In September 2019 he was one of about 100 constitutional law teachers who, with the open appeal for the right to vote, Downsized the Bundestag! turned to the German Bundestag .


  • Autonomía local in Spain and local self-government in Germany , Vahlen Munich 1993, ISBN 3-8006-1732-3
  • with Peter J. Tettinger: The real time value as the still relevant takeover price when changing suppliers , Boorberg 1995, ISBN 3-928684-13-2
  • with Francisco de Borja López-Jurado Escribano: German-Spanish contributions to energy law: electricity market liberalization - renewable energies - "public ownership" of natural resources , Bochum 1999, ISBN 3-928684-20-5
  • Basic structures of public supply , Mohr Siebeck Tübingen 2001, ISBN 3-16-147174-1
  • Fundamental questions of energy market regulation , Boorberg 2005, ISBN 3-415-03535-2
  • The new Energy Industry Act in the Dialogue of Business, Science and Politics , Boorberg 2006, ISBN 3-415-03783-5
  • Questions of interpretation regarding the introduction of the incentive regulation according to § 21a EnWG taking into account the Federal Network Agency of June 30, 2006 , Boorberg 2007, ISBN 3-928684-28-0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Cooperation with the "Golden City": RUB Institute welcomes new partner in the "International Energy Law" program , Science Information Service, February 7, 2006
  2. Unbundling of Energy Companies - UNECOM , Innovations Report, October 30, 2007
  3. Call for the right to vote: "Verkleinert den Bundestag" , open letter from September 20, 2019 in Die Welt .