Johann Adam Remele

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Ceiling fresco in the Josephsaal of Bronnbach Monastery

Johann Adam Remele (* in the 17th or 18th century ; † 1740 in Würzburg ) was a prince-bishop's court painter in Eichstätt and Würzburg.

Life and works

The oldest surviving testimony about Remele comes from the year 1724. He worked in various Franconian monasteries. His paintings in the stairwell and in the imperial hall of the Cistercian monastery in Ebrach are well known . He is known as an Italian fresco painter and received 325 Reichstaler for the ceiling painting and 200 Reichstaler for the side frescoes (portraits of St. Joannes, King David and the prophets Daniel and Esaias). The bright colors and skillful composition were praised.

He made the ceiling frescoes in two halls in Bronnbach Abbey . The former refectory , now known as the Bernhardssaal, is decorated with scenes from the life of Bernhard von Clairvaux , the Josephsaal (ballroom) with scenes from the story of Joseph . The large central picture on the ceiling shows Jacob with his sons in front of Pharaoh. Four murals in the Josephsaal show motifs from the story of Esther and Solomon from the Old Testament . The commissioner for the Bronnbacher pictures, which are regarded as the main work of Remele, was the Abbot Joseph Hartmann. Remele probably carried out the work between 1724 and 1726. The ceiling paintings in the Münsterschwarzach monastery were made in 1725 . The depictions of the fourteen saints and the beheading of John are also preserved in the church in Haug Abbey .


Web links

Commons : Johann Adam Remele  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Albert Weigmann: A Bamberg master builder family at the turn of the 17th century . JH Ed. Heitz, Strasbourg 1902, p. 75–76 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - With a picture of the staircase on plate 5): “In addition to the German master [Lünenschloss], the Italians Antonio Nave Italo and Jo. Ad. Remela employed as a fresco painter for Ebrach. "
  2. a b former Bronnbach monastery - refectory and Josephssaal
  3. Johann Adam Remele on
  4. Remele (Remmele, Remela), Johann Adam: † 1740 Würzburg; Painter. In: Culture and knowledge of Bavaria. P. 627 ( ).
  5. ^ Carl Gottfried Scharold: § 30. The Hauger Church . In: Würzburg and its surroundings: a guide and memory book . Etlinger, 1836, p. 226–228, here p. 228 ( ).