Johann Bahr (painter)

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The Stammtisch in Neubrandenburg (1899)
Accident in a machine factory, Illustrirte Zeitung , 1889

Johann Bahr (born June 22, 1859 in Flensburg , Denmark ; died 1930 ) was a German painter and caricaturist.


Johann Bahr initially worked as a mechanical engineer. In Berlin he briefly visited the Academy of Fine Arts and then worked in Friedenau as a freelance artist. He published his caricatures in the Flying Leaves and in the Funny Leaves . In 1896 he founded the professional association of illustrators and became its chairman.

Works (selection)

  • Wilhelm Bölsche : Berliner Pflaster: Illustrated accounts from Berlin life . Illustrations Johann Bahr et al. Berlin: Verlag von W. Pauli's Nachf., 1894
  • Charles Dickens : Foreign humor: selected short stories and sketches . Illustrations by Johann Bahr. Berlin: book publ. for the German House, 1908
  • (Collaboration): 130 funny pranks from the animal and human kingdom: A folk book German humor . Munich: Braun & Schneider, 1931


  • Roswitha Friedel: Bahr, Johann . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 6, Saur, Munich a. a. 1992, ISBN 3-598-22746-9 , p. 298.
  • Maren Jung-Diestelmeier: "The wrong England": visual stereotypes on postcards and German self-images 1899–1918 . Illustrated book. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2017, Figure 123
  • Eckart Sackmann: Johann Bahr, pages 36 to 47, in: Deutsche Comicforschung 2006 ISBN 3-89474-155-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Year of death at DNB