Johann Baptist II by Colloredo

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Johann Baptist II. Count von Colloredo

Johann Baptist II. Count of Colloredo (it. Giovanni Battista di Colloredo ) (called the Venetian ) (* 1598 - † October 1649 in Heraklion ) was a high-ranking officer in imperial and Venetian services.


He came from the Italian noble family Colloredo and was the son of Horatius (it. Orazio) Colloredo. The mother was Claudia (née Countess Polcenico). He himself married Maria Genovesa Countess von Thurn. There were no children from the marriage.

At the age of sixteen he entered the imperial military service through his cousin Rudolf von Colloredo . Through his cousin he also got a captain's position. He was promoted to colonel by 1632. As such, he took part in 1642 as the commander of 400 horsemen in the second battle at Breitenfeld between the imperial under Archduke Leopold Wilhelm and the Swedes under Lennart Torstensson . In this lost battle for the imperial, he distinguished himself particularly. The Archduke resigned his body regiment in gratitude. As a result, he was involved in a number of sieges and the occupation of permanent places in Bohemia , Moravia and Austria . He was promoted to general.

In order to defend the colony in Crete , the Republic of Venice appointed him commander of the land troops with the rank of field marshal and generalissimo. He defended the city of Candia, today's Heraklion , against the Ottomans. He was killed while visiting an outpost in 1649.


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