Johann Bernhard Hahn

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Johann Bernhard Hahn (born June 12, 1685 in Pörschken ; † July 8, 1755 in Königsberg ) was a German oriental philologist and Protestant theologian .


The son of a pastor began studying at the Albertus University of Königsberg on April 1, 1700 , which he continued in 1705 at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt . On April 27, 1706, he received the degree of Master of Philosophy there. He continued his studies in August 1706 at the University of Jena . Two years later he toured other German cities and universities. Then he continued his educational trip to Holland and England.

On February 22, 1709, when he returned to Konigsberg, he became lecturer in the philosophical faculty, in 1714 extraordinary professor there and in 1715 full professor of oriental languages. On March 16, 1717 the University of Greifswald had appointed him doctor of theology and he became inspector of the synagogue in Königsberg in 1745. He also participated in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University. He was dean of the philosophical faculty twelve times and was rector of Albertus University four times in the summer semesters of 1724, 1730, 1740 and 1748.


  • Observationes philologicarum ex litteratura orientali Decades II. Koenigsberg 1709, 1714
  • Oratio de promotionibus hebraeorum academicis. Koenigsberg 1735
  • Disp. De coturnicibus Num. XI. 31, 32 adversus Ludolfum. Koenigsberg 1712
  • Disp. De Appellatione linguae hebraeae Qua dicitur sancta. Koenigsberg 1715
  • De cornubus altaris extremi. Koenigsberg 17 ??
  • De festo Ebraeorum Purim. Koenigsberg 17 ??
  • Introductionem ad Jesaiam. Koenigsberg 1735
  • Introductionem ad Jerimiam. Koenigsberg 1736
  • Diss. De Anno Ebraeorum jubileo Königsberg 1744
  • Lev. XXV
  • De falsis Theologiae principiis. Greifswald
  • The opposite rationis alogia


  • Johann Christoph Adelung : Continuation and additions to Christian Gottlieb Jöcher's general scholarly lexico. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig, 1787, Vol. 2, Sp 1735
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J. 1805, vol. 5, p. 63, ( online )
  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, p. 364

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