Johann Both from Bajna

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János Both von Bajna ( Latin Johann Both de Bayna , Hungarian bajnai Both János , Croatian Ivan Bot od Bajne ; † 1493 , Krbava field) was a Ban from Croatia alongside Emerik Derenčin .


General János Both de Bajna was governor of Illyria , Ban of Croatia , Slavonia and Dalmatia between 1492 and 1493. He died in the battle in September 1493 after the battle on the Krbava field against the Ottomans . Since he could not defend Senj , he withdrew with Emerik Derenčin , the fellow ban of Croatia, to the Brinje Castle , where he was killed during the siege. He was Lord of Sycava in 1492.

He was the son of István Both of Bajna, knight, man of the king, lord of Bajna and other places. He was the brother of András Both de Bajna († 1511), Ban of Croatia. He was married to Apollonia Csapy, daughter of Ándras, Knight of the Dragon Order .


  • Markó László: A Magyar Állam főméltóságai Szent Istvántól napjainkig . Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest 2000, ISBN 963-547-085-1 .
  • Iván Nagy : Magyarország családai , Pest, 1857
  • Jean-Marie Cauchies: Conseils et conseillers dans l'Europe de la Renaissance , Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2018 ISBN 2869065280

Individual evidence

  1. László Heka: A horvát bán Magyarország alkotmánytörténetében , "The Ban of Croatia in the constitutional history of Hungary", Universitatis Szegediensis: Publicationes doctorandorum juridicorum, 2001
  2. Krbavska bitka i njezine posljedice ("The Battle of the Krbava Field and Its Consequences"), Foundation for Croatian Cultural Heritage, 1997