Johann Caspar Grimm

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Johann Caspar Grimm

Johann Caspar Grimm (born December 23, 1662 in Kaltenwestheim , † 1728 in Leipzig ) was a German medic .


Johann Caspar Grimm came from Kaltenwestheim and studied medicine under Johannes Bohn at the University of Leipzig , where he obtained his doctorate on November 1, 1684. He then worked as a city doctor in Leipzig and was appointed ducal-Saxon personal doctor. On July 15, 1700 he was transferred to the Leopoldina recorded and received the academic nickname Crito I . In literary terms, Grimm appeared with the translation of two works by the Countess of Kent : a collection of medicinal prescriptions and a cookbook. He also wrote a short treatise on a case of Siamese twins in Pomßen .

Grimm married Johanna Christina Göring on June 8, 1696.

Works (selection)

  • De torminibus colicis . Typis Christiani Banckmanni, Lipsiae 1684 (Latin, - Inaugural dissertation ).
  • Kurtze Historical / Physical and Medicinische Relation of some Mirabilium Naturae, or miracle dienge in nature / in specie from a Monstrobicorporeo, Or from a miracle birth / so in this 1700th year / the 16th Martii of the improved calendar / from a woman in Pombsen / allwo Se. Excellence of Mr. Cammer-Herr von Ponickau has his seat / is located in the Leipzig Creyß / has come to light / published with triple accuracy and extensively described . Printed by Justus Reinholdens seel. Witben, [Leipzig] 1700, urn : nbn: de: gbv: 3: 1-64535 ( 3: 601705A in VD 17th ).
  • Elizabeth Gray, Countess of Kent : An exquisitely hand-booklet / or rare and strange Artzneyen / can be used internally as externally with great benefit . Formerly carried together and by help of the famous Medicorum practiciret von der Hochseel. deceased Hochgebohrnen Countess von Kent in Engelland / which was published there 9th time / now translated from English into Hochteutsche / put in order and with a few comments and complete register provided by D. Joh. Caspar Grimm / Hochfürstl. Saxony-Eisenachl. Leib-Medico and Practico in Leipzig. Joh.Caspar Meyer, Leipzig 1700, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb11268980-8 ( 14: 630021A in VD 17th ).
  • Elizabeth Gray, Countess of Kent : A special treat in front of the women’s room / so consists in cooking / preparing or preserving all kinds of fruit and other things to eat / canning / closing or preparing and candying truckene fruit / whatever Most blissful high-bore Countess of Kent experimented and recorded . Translated from English into Hochteutsche. Joh.Caspar Meyer, Leipzig 1700, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb11268980-8 ( 23: 681533V in VD 17th ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Grimm, Johann Caspar in the Leipzig biography
  2. JDF Neigebaur : History of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the second century of its existence. Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, p. 202, Textarchiv - Internet Archive
  3. Alexander Polycarp Winther: Medicinische Liebes-Praxis . Which, as the… Mr. Johann Caspar Grimm… with the… Jfr. Johanna Christina Göringin… celebrated his wedding honor festival. Reinhold, Leipzig 1696, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 70-dtl-0000008263 (wedding poem ).