Johann Christian Josef Par

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Johann Christian Josef Abs (born August 26, 1781 in Wipperfürth ; † April 15, 1823 in Königsberg ) was a German educator .


Abs came from a Roman Catholic house and took the monastic vows in the Franciscan monastery in Hamm in 1799 under the religious name Theodosius . After his training he became head of the monastery school in Halberstadt in 1806 . Here he taught children indiscriminately according to class, denomination and gender and approached the methods of the Swiss pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi . In 1810 he left the monastery to announce the establishment of his own educational institution in Halberstadt. In 1811 he founded the company and published the text Presentation of my application of the Pestalozzian method of education . In 1813 he changed from the Catholic to the Protestant denomination and also had women teach in his institution. He married a former assistant.

A nursing home for needy children, a preschool and a day care center were attached to his school. After Abs took over the country's orphanage in 1815, he combined it with his elementary school and a teacher training college. His teaching methods were followed across the country. In 1818 he followed a call to Königsberg as director of the royal orphanage. He died here in 1823 at the age of 42.


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