Johann Christoph Sebastiani

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Johann Christoph Sebastiani (* 1640 in Trier , † 1704 in Koblenz ) was a German architect of the Baroque and court architect in the service of the Elector of Trier .


Little is known about the life of Johann Christoph Sebastiani. Despite its Italian-sounding name, it probably comes from a Rhenish-Moselle family. He probably had four children. In 1671 he took over the office of mayor in the Augst and 1688–1695 of Arzheim . On March 20, 1676, the Elector Karl Kaspar von der Leyen of Trier appointed him court architect. He played a key role in the reconstruction of the city of Koblenz, which suffered severe damage when it was bombarded by French troops in the Palatinate War of Succession in 1688 .


The four towers in the old town of Koblenz


Sebastianistrasse in Koblenz-Pfaffendorf has been named after him since July 13, 1938.


  • Wolfgang Schütz: Koblenz heads. People from the city's history - namesake for streets and squares. Verlag für Werbung Blätter GmbH, Ed .: Bernd Weber, Mülheim-Kärlich 2005 (2nd revised and expanded edition), p. 501f.
  • Karl Lohmeyer: JC Sebastiani, the master of the Koblenz town hall . In: The Rhineland. Monthly magazine for German art and poetry . tape 27 . Düsseldorf 1917, p. 33–44 ( ).
  • Johann Jakob Wagner : Coblenz-Ehrenbreitstein. Biographical news about some older Coblenz and Ehrenbreitstein families . Koblenz 1925, p. 205-209 .