Johann Faber (printer)

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Johann Emmaus Faber († 1542 ) was a printer.

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Faber received citizenship in Basel on March 3, 1526 and became a member of the Safran Guild the following day . He opened a print shop in town and worked there for a little over three years. During this time 17 writings known today were created, among others by Johann Bugenhagen , Johann Despauterius, Augustinus Marius , Ambrosius Pelargus , Johann Atrocianus, Flavius ​​Vegetius Renatus , Aemilius Macer Floridus and Heinrich Glareanus . Due to the Reformation in Switzerland , he moved to Freiburg im Breisgau in 1529 . The guild register there lists him together with Glareanus , Ludwig Bär and Erasmus , with whom he was closely connected.

Faber was one of the last significant book printers in Freiburg at the time. He was the printer who held on for the longest to label books he had printed with his name and also reproduced Glaeranus' strictly orthodox works when other printers no longer dared to do so. In Freiburg, Faber printed 15 works by Erasmus, Glareanus' independent works and his editions by Horace and writings by Ulrich Zasius . In addition, there were five editions of Emser's New Testament, nine writings by Georg Witzel , three editions by Aesop and a German translation of “De arte bibendi” by Vincentius Opsopoeus . In total, Farber completed around 80 prints, which in terms of their artistic value and humanism are similar to important Basel models.

Since Faber came from the Duchy of Jülich , the name "Johannes Faber Emmeus Juliacensis" or "Master Hans von Gülch" can also be found in print memos.
