Johann Friedrich Frey

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Johann Friedrich Frey

Johann Friedrich Frey (born January 20, 1800 in Brugg ; † April 17, 1884 ibid) was District Administrator of Brugg, federal colonel and adjutant general .



At the age of 16 Frey, son of Johannes and Anna Meier geb. Bart and grandson of the last Bruges mayor Johannes Frey (1740–1815) entered the Dutch military service. In 1816 Ziegler joined the Swiss regiment No. 30. He was promoted rapidly and in 1827 reached the rank of first lieutenant . In 1829 the Swiss regiments were abolished and he had to quit. He later returned to Switzerland.

In 1830 he was appointed captain in Aargau and major the following year. In Aarau he became chief of infantry instructions and chief of the country hunters. In the 1830s he was the commandant of Aarau. In 1835 he was supreme commander of the Aargau troops in Freiamt when there was unrest there because of the Baden articles, and when in 1838 because of Prince Louis Napoleon, later Emperor Napoleon III. , threatened military involvement with France, Frey served as the commander of the fourth federal elite battalion in Baselland. In 1841 he was promoted first to cantonal and in the same year to federal colonel, the highest rank of the Swiss Army in peacetime at the time. During the Sonderbund War, he commanded the second brigade of the second division in the cantons of Friborg, Lucerne and Uri.

He served from 1850 to 1853 as an inspector of the infantry and snipers in the cantons of Schaffhausen and Thurgau. In 1857, on the occasion of the conflict with Prussia (" Neuchâtel trade "), he was appointed adjutant general and federal colonel with honorary authority and charged with inspecting the cavalry schools. In 1860 he resigned.

Political offices

In 1831 Frey was governor of the Brugg district, a year later he was promoted to district administrator, which he held until 1856. He also joined the district school council in 1832, which he chaired six times from 1832 to 1852. Between 1835 and 1842 he was a member and several times vice-president of the Cantonal Court of War. He was a member of the Grand Council initially as a representative of the Windisch district and from 1856 to 1872 as a representative of the Brugg district. He was also mayor of Brugg from 1858 to 1860.

Individual evidence

  1. StABg A 450.
  2. a b Biographisches Lexikon des Aargau, 1803–1957. Edited by the Historical Society of the Canton of Aargau, editors: Otto Mittler and Georg Boner. Sauerländer, Aarau 1958, p. 227 ff.