Johann Friedrich Hoffmann (singer)

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Johann Friedrich Hoffmann (2008)

Johann Friedrich "Hans" Hoffmann (born October 3, 1929 in Werdohl ; † February 22, 2015 in Düsseldorf ) was a German singer ( tenor ) and teacher .


After studying singing with Philipp Göpelt in Freiburg and Düsseldorf , Hans Hoffmann began an intensive concert career both as an oratorio oratorio (especially with Almuth Rößler ) and in the field of contemporary music: Among other things, he performed at world premieres of the works of Oskar Gottlieb Blarr and Herbert Callhoff , who dedicated his ecclesiastical concerts for tenor and organ to him in 1968 . At the same time, Johann Friedrich Hoffmann devotes himself to the spread of German folk music , especially in cooperation with the Halver Musicians' Guild under the direction of Harald Falk, with whom he has concert tours to France, Sweden, Norway and Hungary. His recordings of East German folk music received a wide echo through broadcasts on Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln and through numerous records, including in particular: Sing, sing, what happened. Folk songs from Pomerania and East Prussia , Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, 1989 (newly published in 2012 by Cantorka); Westphalian songs and dances , 1985; Songs and dances from Pomerania , Laumann, 1981. His radio recordings are still an integral part of the WDR program today.

At the same time working as a Latin and history teacher, Johann Friedrich Hoffmann took part in the discussion on political education in the sixties with articles in the journals Political Education and Contemporary Studies. From 1973 to 1993 he was director of the Georg Büchner secondary school in Düsseldorf, which thanks to his management was saved from a planned closure in 1985 and is therefore still part of the Düsseldorf school system today. As a philologist for medieval Latin, he was responsible for the critical edition and German translation of parts of Daniel Papebroch's diary (published in Romagna Arte e Storia , 2003) as part of the Papebroch project at the University of Cologne . His research on medieval poetry identified the hitherto unknown melody of the Vagante Confession of Archipoeta and thus added a central component to our knowledge of the original music of Carmina Burana ; the modern premiere of this poem with its original melody took place in 2007 at the Amici della Musica di Novara festival.

Hans Hoffmann died on February 22, 2015 in Düsseldorf.


  • Folk songs from the German expulsion areas. A record documentation : LP I folk songs from East Prussia and Pomerania, LP II folk songs from Silesia, LP III folk songs from the Sudetenland, Deutsche Grammophongesellschaft, undated
  • Musica Sacra Nova , Schwann, 1969
  • Igor Stravinski, sacred music , Stravinski-Fest-Ensemble, Schwann, 1971
  • Songs and Dances from Pomerania , Laumann, 1981
  • Westphalian songs and dances , 1985
  • Folk songs from Pomerania and East Prussia , Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, 1989
  • Sing, sing what happened The most beautiful folk songs from Pomerania , Cantorka, 2012


  • Problems of local politics in class . In contemporary studies , 1966
  • Exploring the political environment . In Political Education , 1967
  • Note on the Forlì da un diario di viaggio del 1660 . In Romagna Arte e Storia , 2003

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