Johann Georg Preissler

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Johann Georg Preissler (born July 7, 1757 in Copenhagen , † April 21, 1831 in Lyngby ) was a German-Danish engraver .


Johann Georg was a son of the Copenhagen court copper engraver Johann Martin Preissler from the Nuremberg artist family Preissler and his wife Anna Sophia Schuckmann. He learned his trade at the Copenhagen Academy and won a gold medal here in 1780. In 1781 he went to Paris via Hamburg, where he visited Klopstock . He stayed here until 1788 and studied with Johann Georg Wille . On his return to Copenhagen he was appointed royal court engraver, professor and member of the art academy.

In 1788 he married Anna Rebecca Pflueg (1767–1817), daughter of the officer Christian Carl Pflueg (1728–1809).
