Johann Georg von Dernath

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Johann Georg Graf von Dernath , also Hans Jürgen Graf von Dernath (* December 31, 1666 , † March 10, 1739 ) was a ducal Gottorpian conference councilor.

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Johann Georg Graf von Dernath was a son of Gerhard von Dernath and his wife Christine von Ahlefeldt . Gerhard von Dernath was one of his brothers . As a member of the von Dernath family, he worked as a district administrator and bailiff of Trittau and Reinbek . He had mansions on Gut Sierhagen and Oevelgönne (today part of Sierksdorf ).

Johann Georg von Dernath married Dorothea Blome (1668–1740) from the House of Seedorf and Hornstorf, with whom he had the son Gerhard von Dernath . After his death, the family was heavily in debt and had to sell all their goods. Dorothea Blome only kept the Seedorf estate . Here she set up a Meierhof , which was named "Blom-nath" after the couple.


  • Henning von Rumohr: Dernath, Johann Georg Graf von . in: Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon . Volume 1. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, Neumünster 1970, pp. 121–122