Johann Gottfried Müller

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Johann Gottfried Müller (born May 18, 1757 in Ebersbach / Sa. , † June 24, 1832 in Leipzig ) was a German legal scholar.


Müller attended high school in Löbau in 1770 and studied at Leipzig University from 1777 . The first four years he devoted himself to the theological sciences with Samuel Friedrich Nathanael More , Johann Friedrich Burscher , Johann August Dathe and Johann August Ernesti . In 1781 he switched to the study of law , acquired in 1789 the academic degree of Magister of philosophy and a doctorate in the same year Doctor of Laws .

As a result, he worked as a private lecturer in Leipzig , was accepted as a member of the great prince's college , was extraordinary professor of law in 1795 and gave lectures on institutions, canon and feudal law. In 1803 he became assessor at the Court of Justice , in 1818 he was a full professor of feudal law and in 1821 professor of Roman law ( canon law ).

Associated with this, he had become a royal Saxon court judge, senior of the great princes' college and in 1813 an assessor at the law faculty. In addition, Müller also took part in the organizational tasks of the Leipzig University and was rector of the Alma Mater in the winter semesters of 1820, 1822, 1824, 1826, 1828, and in the summer semester of 1828 .

Works (selection)

  • Diss. (Praes. D. Rau) de legato debiti. Leipzig 1788
  • Diss. Historico - political Super jure primariarum precum ejusque exercitio. P. 1.2. Leipzig 1789
  • Super jure primarium precum ejusque exercitio Specimina III. Leipzig 1795
  • Francesco Maria Pagano's experiments on the bourgeois course of nations, or on the origin, progress and decline of civil societies. Translated from the Italian. 2. Parts of Halle and Leipzig 1801
  • Institutiones juris feudalis Lusatiae superioris. Part I. Leipzig 1818
  • Com. Jur Sax. De ambitu nonae decisionis noviss. Leipzig 1821
  • Progr. De usu juris romani circa causas Feudales in jure Longobardico receptas. Com. I. 1821, Com. II, 1826
  • Progr. Discussio quaestionis: civitas num ecclesia subsit civitati. Leipzig 1823
  • Progr. De usuris quaestio: usuram praemissarum cursus an per moram debitoris sortem stato tempore non solventis impediatur? Leipzig 1823
  • Progr. De usuris quaestio: pecunia creditori de bonis a debitore cessis ante eorum distributionem in antecessum soluta, num in dubio, in sortem an in usuras residuas sit imputanda? Leipzig 1823


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