Johann Gottlob Weidler

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Johann Gottlob Weidler (born January 7, 1708 in Großneuhausen ; † September 10, 1750 in Wittenberg ) was a German legal scholar.


The brother of Johann Friedrich Weidler attended the electoral state school Schulpforta from 1719 and matriculated at the University of Wittenberg on October 18, 1724 in order to complete a law degree. After completing his studies and graduating as a notary on September 7, 1728, he initially devoted himself to legal practice and became a notary and lawyer with the Saxon state government in Dresden .

In 1730 he returned to Wittenberg and held private lectures on legal subjects as a candidate for the law. On October 2, 1732 he received his doctorate in law. In 1737 he was an associate member of the law faculty and on June 11, 1745 he became a full professor of Saxon law, as well as a related full member of the legal faculty, in which position he died.


  • Diss. Inaug. (Praes. GC Bastinellero) qua problema, an et quatenus testamenta mystica ac praesertim heredum institutiones implicitae valeant? e iure tam veteri, quam hodierno eruitur. Wittenberg 1732
  • Diss. De eo, quod iuris est circa mulctas, sive poenas pecuniarias; vulgo: from money - fines, tam iure Romano, quam Germanico, atque praesertim Saxonico Electorali. Wittenberg 1733, 1746
  • Diss. De quaestione iuris: an quis in emtione venditione, cui mulcta poenitentialis (ein Reu - Kauff) adiecta est, altera parte invita, poenitere, et soluta hac mulcta, resilire a contractu poffit? quae affirmatur, atque contra communem negantium sententiam defenditur. Wittenberg 1734
  • Diss. De negotiis, a falso procuratore gestis, eorumque ratihabitione. Wittenberg 1737
  • Diss. Exhibens quaestiones iuris criminalis controversas in homicidio. Wittenberg 1750
  • Diss. Sistens controversias iuris Saxonici et communis in processu executivo. Wittenberg 1750
  • Progr. De confusìone iurium. Wittenberg 1750
  • Progr. De praepostera iuris Gennanici cum legibus peregrinis commixtione. Wittenberg 1750


  • Nikolaus Müller : The finds in the tower knobs of the town church in Wittenberg. Magdeburg 1912 p. 49
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1815, 14 vol. P. 460 ( online )
  • Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 3. Halle (Saale), 1966, p. 496