Johann main meat

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Johann Hauptfleisch (born March 31, 1846 in Rautenberg , Moravia ; † March 10, 1923 , Hausleiten in Lower Austria ) was an Austrian technician and educator.


Johann main meat was after his studies from 1869 to 1873 assistant at the chair of mechanical engineering at the Technical University in Vienna . Afterwards he taught at the kk building and machine trade school Vienna I. In 1882 he became a private lecturer for machines for processing wood, mechanical weaving, finishing machines and milling. In 1884 he became an associate professor of technology.

As a teacher at the Staats-Gewerbeschule in Schellinggasse, he worked out the construction program for the master craftsman's school in the Vienna district of Favoriten, today's HTL Wien 10 , where he was the first director from 1889 to 1908. The founding building of the former foremen's school is now the listed old building of the Federal Trade Academy and Federal Trade School Favoriten . The services he gained in the development of industrial teaching was recognized by his appointment as inspector for industrial teaching establishments specializing in mechanical engineering.

From 1907 to 1913 he was a full professor of technology at the Vienna University of Technology. In a vote in the college of professors on March 9, 1910, he voted for the admission of women to study at the technical university.


  • Measuring tools and instruments for industrial and scientific purposes. 1884.
  • Via customs on textile machines. 1885.
  • About the state of commercial education in Austria. 1898.


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Individual evidence

  1. Juliane Mikoletzky, Ute Georgeacopol-Winischhofer, Margit Pohl: "According to the course of time ...": on the history of women's studies in Austria using the example of the Technical University of Vienna. WUV-Univ.-Verlag, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-85114-258-6