Johann Hermann Odebrecht

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Johann Hermann Odebrecht (born September 21, 1757 in Greifswald ; † January 21, 1821 there ) was a German lawyer and mayor of Greifswald.

Johann Hermann (I.) Odebrecht was a son of Greifswald councilor and later mayor Andreas Christian Odebrecht (1716–1791). He completed his law studies with a doctorate . He became a councilor in 1792 and from 1798 held the office of the city's first syndic . In the years 1802/1803 he was involved in negotiations due to which the Higher Appeal Court was relocated from Stralsund to its final seat in Greifswald. During the occupation of Swedish Pomerania by French troops under Marshal Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune , he was appointed to the provisional government of the country in 1807. From 1807 until his death he was mayor of Greifswald. 1818, he was from the University of Greifswald , the honorary doctorate awarded.

He had two sons Hermann Theodor (* 1802) and Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand (* 1807) as well as three daughters. The Greifswald Johanna Odebrecht Foundation goes back to his daughter Johanna .


  • Heinrich Berghaus : Land book of the Duchy of Pomerania and the Principality of Rügen . Part 4, Vol. 1, W. Dietze, Anklam 1866, p. 891 ( Google books ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Uwe Kiel: The Tribunal and Higher Appeal Court from an urban perspective. The example of Greifswald before and after the transfer of the court. In: Dirk Alvermann , Jürgen Regge (Ed.): Justitia in Pommern . LIT Verlag, Berlin-Hamburg-Münster 2004, ISBN 3-8258-8218-7 , p. 43f. ( Digitized version )
  2. Julius Heinrich Biesner: Outline of the history of Pomerania and Rügen: together with the special history of the Eldena monastery. Löffler, Stralsund 1834, p. 306 Google books ).
  3. Allgemeine Literaturzeitung from 1818. Vol. 1, Halle and Leipzig 1818, Col. 197–198 ( Google books ).