John II (Brienne)

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John of Luxembourg (French: Jean de Luxembourg ; † 1397 ) was a lord of Beauvoir and Richebourg , as well as (as Johann II. ) Count of Brienne and Conversano ( iure uxoris ). He was a son of Count Guido von Ligny and Mathilde de Châtillon .

Around 1387 Johann married Marguerite d'Enghien († 1393), heir daughter of Louis I. d'Enghien, who brought him the counties of Brienne and Conversano as well as several dominions such as Enghien and Piney . Your children were:

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predecessor Office successor
Guido Lord of Beauvoir 1371-1397
Armoiries Jean de Luxembourg-Ligny.svg
Johann II.
Ludwig I. Count of Brienne and Conversano
(de iure uxoris with Marguerite d'Enghien)
Peter I.