Johann Jacob Bindheim

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Johann Jacob Bindheim , also Johann Jakob Bindheim (born March 5, 1740 in Ragow , Mark Brandenburg , † January 17, 1825 in Berlin ) was a German pharmacist and chemist.


Bindheim worked in the pharmacy Zum Weißen Schwan in Berlin and took over it in 1788. From 1795 to 1804 he was a pharmacist and professor in Moscow. Then he was in Berlin as a private citizen.

He is known for mineral analyzes, such as zinc, manganese, gold and cobalt ores, asbestos, brownstone , aquamarine , beryl , topaz . He made anti-rust agents, emetic tartar , essential oils and fire extinguishers, and dealt with the preservation of flour and camphor soap .

The mineral bindheimite is named in his honor.


  • Johann Jacob Bindheim. In: Winfried Pötsch u. a .: Lexicon of important chemists . Harri Deutsch, 1989, p. 48 (1750 is given as the date of birth).


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Wikisource: Johann Jacob Bindheim  - Sources and full texts