Johann Jakob Matt

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Johann Jakob Matt (born April 3, 1814 in Ziefen ; † May 12, 1882 ibid) was a politician in the Swiss canton of Basel-Landschaft .


He studied medicine in Basel and Berlin and graduated with a doctorate in 1833. He then worked as a doctor in Ziefen . The Zunzger Kränzli was an association of liberal doctors that was co-founded by Johann Jakob Matt. This was a member of the so-called party of order and officiated 1836-1857 as district administrator . He was elected District President 13 times for a year. In 1842, 1843, 1844 and 1847 he was delegate to the Diet. In 1848 and 1849 he was on the National Council and campaigned for the Federal Constitution, which came into force in 1848. In 1853 he co-founded the Swiss Central Railway , in 1854 the Basellandschaftliche Zeitung and in 1849 the Basellandschaftliche Hypothekenbank , where he was on the board of directors for 30 years . In 1848 he was also head of the Catholic Association for Poor Education.

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