Johann Konrad Giesler

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Johann Konrad Giesler , also Gießler (* first mentioned 1686 ; † 1712 probably in Kassel ), was a baroque German builder and architect .

Life and works

Giesler was a student of the architect Paul du Ry . As a private and artillery servant , he was du Ry's employee. He was involved in the planning for Kassel Oberneustadt. In 1686 Giesler drew a detailed map of the city of Kassel and was active in the Kassel court service. In 1698 he was commissioned with a building report for Melsungen Castle . It is listed in the servant book of the Hessian Landgrave Karl around 1699.

Construction work

Gieseler's attribution to various large landgrave buildings in which he or you Ry might have been involved, such as the Veckerhagen hunting lodge in Reinhardshagen on the Weser, is unclear . Giesler is credited with the reconstruction of the Ottoneum in Kassel in 1690 and the orangery from 1701 to 1710. He worked at the Wabern hunting lodge from 1701 to 1704.


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