Johann Kranzbichler

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Johann Kranzbichler

Johann Kranzbichler (* around 1772 in St. Pölten ; † December 18, 1853 there ) was an Austrian politician and 6th mayor of St. Pölten.


Johann Kranzbichler was born in St. Pölten around 1772 as the son of an innkeeper. From 1795 to 1799 he worked as a landlord in his parents' inn, but since then has concentrated on his wine trade. After he passed it on to his son in 1840, he lived as a privateer . Between 1806 and 1816 he was also captain of the uniformed citizen corps .

Kranzbichler was a magistrate from 1811 to 1816 and from 1820 to 1833, ten years later he was elected mayor. In 1848 he was also a member of the Lower Austrian state parliament . After the provisional municipal law came into force in 1849, he resigned from all offices, but remained as mayor until 1850. Kranzbichler died on December 18, 1853 in his hometown.


  • Kranzbichlerstrasse in St. Pölten (1904)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Manfred Wieninger : Tell St. Pöltner street names . Löwenzahn, Innsbruck 2002, ISBN 3-7066-2208-4 .
  2. Thomas Karl (ed.): 500 years of St. Pölten town hall. Magistrate of the state capital St. Pölten, St. Pölten 2003.
  3. ^ The provisional municipal law of March 17, 1849, online at ALEX
predecessor Office successor
Alois Mayrhofer Mayor of St. Pölten
August Hassack