Johann May

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Johann Mai (born August 13, 1859 in Doubice ; date of death unknown) was a specialist writer, private lithographer, photographer and draftsman .


After attending simple elementary school, Mai learned lithography in Teplice between the ages of 13 and 18 and then worked as an assistant until he was 23. During his apprenticeship he had to make up for his lack of school knowledge, which can be traced back to only attending simple elementary school.

From the age of 23 to the age of 26, Johann Mai did military service in the Austrian army. At that time he was working as a lithographer in a military printing house. After his release, he worked in various cities in Austria-Hungary , Switzerland and Germany . He practiced his profession “for many years as head of the lithography department and as the first lithographer”.

"On his own initiative, he learned the various reproduction processes in addition to photography and practices these in addition to lithography and specialist writing [...]."

Mai was a member of the General Writers' Association Berlin and the “Senefelder” support association from Frankfurt am Main .


  • The etching and etching in copper and steel for the production of printable plates / together with instructions for ceramic plate printing . Gneist & Wenzel , Dresden 1920.


  • GH Emmerich : May, Johann . In: Lexicon for photography and reproduction technology . 1910, p. 411 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b G. H. Emmerich : Mai, Johann . In: Lexicon for photography and reproduction technology . 1910, p. 411 .