Meier Müller Schmidt

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Original title Meier Müller Schmidt
Meier Müller font.jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2015
length 84 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Sebastian Peterson
script Sebastian Peterson
production Uwe Kamitz ,
Sebastian Peterson
music Frank Helfer , Beatsteaks
camera Irina Yablownikov
cut Ryan Stewart

Meier Müller Schmidt is a German comedy film from the director Sebastian Peterson from 2016 . The film was released in German cinemas on June 30, 2016.


In the film, many interwoven stories are told about the three Berlin flat-share residents Julian Meier, Kasimir Müller and Max Schmidt. Julian meets his half-sister Eva and they fall in love. Kasimir, in turn, falls unexpectedly in love with a man and, when his lover does not answer again, is afraid of having contracted HIV . His fear is so great that he doesn't even dare to have an HIV test. Max, on the other hand, is fascinated by the new fashion drug FOG, which makes you forget what you have just experienced.


Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and MC Fitti have guest appearances in the film in which they play themselves. The music in the opening credits comes from the Berlin band Beatsteaks . The film premiered on October 21, 2015 at the Hof International Film Festival.


"Sebastian Peterson's feature film about three men in a Berlin shared apartment entertains with a fitting zeitgeist and benefits from the director's rich experience with this way of life."


"A humorous, charming comedy from today's Berlin, which, in addition to the new uncertainty, also targets the beautiful new media and marketing world."



Meier Müller Schmidt was nominated for the New German Cinema Award and was one of six "Berlin Highlights" at the Achtung Berlin festival.

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