Johann Philipp Grauel

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Johann Philipp Grauel (born November 13, 1711 in Strasbourg ; † November 29, 1761 there ) was a German doctor .


Johann Philipp Grauel was the son of Johann Valentin Grauel, a businessman working in Strasbourg. He graduated after completing his early education at the university of his native city, the theology . However, he did not finish this study, but turned to medicine . After going through the usual defense of a dissertation, entitled 1738 Dissertatio de superfoetatione wore the medical doctorate was obtained, made it to his education a journey through several European countries and long time kept suffering on. After his return home he settled as a general practitioner in Strasbourg, but in 1741 accepted a professorship in natural sciences at the university there and received great popularity for his lectures.

As a writer, Grauel only tried two small treatises belonging to the medical and scientific disciplines:

  • Dissertatio de rore miraculoso Gideonis , 1744
  • Dissertatio de salium effectu frigorifico in liquoribus , 1748

In contrast, Grauel, with great diligence and expenditure of money, created a mineral collection, which his son described and exploited for science under the title Museum Grauelianum sive collectionis regni mineralis, praecipue historiam naturalem illustrantis a J. Ph. Grauel ... (1772). Grauel died in Strasbourg on November 29, 1761 at the age of 50.
