Johann Schulte (councilor, 1662)

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Johann Schulte (born June 12, 1662 in Hamburg ; † January 13, 1719 there ) was a German merchant and a Hamburg councilor .

Origin and family

Schulte was a son of the Hamburg mayor Johann Schulte (1621-1697) from his marriage to Elisabeth Reinstorp (1631-1709).

On September 24, 1688 he married Johanna Guhl (1665–1741). This marriage produced six children. The only son Johannes died unmarried as a merchant in Lisbon .

Live and act

Schulte initially established himself as a businessman in Lisbon. Letters from his father to him have survived from this time. At the end of the 1680s Schulte returned to Hamburg and took on various civil offices: in 1692 he was elected to the Commerzdeputation , in 1696 to artillery citizen and in 1697 to building yard citizen . On May 30, 1703 he was elected councilor and held this office for 15 years until his death in 1719.


  • Friedrich Georg Buek : Genealogical and biographical notes on the mayors of Hamburg who died after the Reformation . Johann August Meißner, Hamburg 1840, OCLC 166067441 , p. 110 ( digitized from Google Books [accessed February 16, 2015]).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Schulte : Letters from the Hamburg mayor Johann Schulte Lt. to his son Johann Schulte, who was established in Lisbon, written in the years 1680-1685 . Ed .: Ernst Merck . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1856, OCLC 25851377 ( digitized from the Internet Archive [accessed on February 16, 2015]).
  2. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Commerzdeputation . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 440–442 ( digitized from Google Books [accessed February 16, 2015]).
  3. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: Artillery . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 431–433 ( digitized from Google Books [accessed February 16, 2015]).
  4. Johann Albert Fabricius : Bauhoffs citizens . In: Memoriarum Hamburgensium Volume Sextum. Cui praemittuntur memoria saecularis instauratorum divino beneficio ante ducentos annos in hac urbe sacrorum evangelicorum, nec non spectatissimi tribunorum collegii ante duorum saeculorum spatium constituti . Felginer's widow, Hamburg 1730, OCLC 470918828 , p. 136 ( digitized from Google Books [accessed February 16, 2015]).
  5. ^ Friedrich Georg Buek: building yard . In: The Hamburg Oberalts, their civil effectiveness and their families . Perthes-Besser & Mauke, Hamburg 1857, OCLC 844917815 , p. 444–445 ( digitized from Google Books [accessed February 16, 2015]).