Johann Serro

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Johann Serro , also Giovanni Serro , (* probably at the beginning of the 17th century in Roveredo ; † around 1670 there ) was a Swiss master builder .

Life and works

Johann Serro came from Roveredo in Graubünden. Due to good contacts to master builders from his home region, Serro became a master mason in Neuburg an der Donau . There he built the town hall, the towers at the Heilig-Geist-Spital and the churches of St. Peter and St. Wolfgang. Serro was active in Swabia from 1639 to 1670. He participated in the rebuilding of the Immenstadt hospital and built the Pfäfers monastery and Kemnath castle . In Blindheim he directed the elevation of the tower of the parish church of St. Martin.

He is the builder of the collegiate church of St. Lorenz and the abbot's residence in Kempten (Allgäu) and was also active in other places in Swabia . Serro changed some of the Baroque plans of Beer and gave the building Renaissance elements, which is related to Serro's preference for the Northern Italian Renaissance.

The Serro houses he built north of the St. Lorenz Church in Kempten are named after Serro . Johann Serro regularly returned to his home town of Graubünden in winter; he died there in 1670.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Anna Köhl, Ralf Lienert: Creative Minds. Streets and their namesake in Kempten . Tobias Dannheimer publishing house, Kempten (Allgäu) 2007, ISBN 978-3-88881-056-5 , p. 72 f .