Johann Thomas von Quentel

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Johann Thomas Bernhard von Quentel (born December 21, 1696 in Cologne ; † 1777 there ) was a priest and canon in Cologne.

The offspring of a well-known Cologne printer family , who had already sent several of their members to the Cologne cathedral chapter , studied theology at the Collegium Germanicum in Rome from 1714 to 1718 . Crowning his studies with a doctorate in theology, he became a canon at St. Severin (Cologne) as early as 1713. 1716 Quentel coadjutor of the provost of St. Severin, but only in 1747 even provost. He received another canon in 1717 to St. Gereon (Cologne), where he, who had renounced his canon of St. Severin in 1718, became choir bishop in 1730 . In March 1741 Quentel was not only canon in Cologne, but also electoral Privy Councilor and president of the electoral court.

The French envoy Guébriand called him the most learned capitular after the canon Tilmann Joseph Godesberg . Pergen, the ambassador of Austria, also described him as a skilful man with great weight in the chapter.

Probably due to his age, Quentel renounced his cathedral canon at the turn of the year 1775/76 and went to Strasbourg, where he died.


Individual evidence

  1. M. Gottlieb Schumanns Genealogisches Hand-Buch, 1756, p.143 No. 18