Johann Valerian Müller

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Müller's unrealized design of a green area for the Königsberg castle courtyard

Johann Valerian Müller (* 1771 in Marienwerder , West Prussia ; † 1839 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a German architect and Prussian construction clerk in Königsberg. He represented a simple classicism .

After studying mathematics at the Albertus University in Königsberg , he became a building inspector in Königsberg in 1798, war and domain councilor in 1800 and finally provincial building director of the province of East Prussia . For the Higher Regional Court in Königsberg he designed a new building for the eastern north wing of Königsberg Castle . The north walls from the time of the Teutonic Order were included. The execution took place in 1811 according to a plan revised by another hand. From 1806 to 1809 he built the city ​​theater in Königsberg and from 1811 to 1813 the building of the observatory . Well-known is the large city map of Königsberg that he recorded and published in 1815.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon. Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-441-1 .