Johann Vollmöller

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Johann Vollmöller (* 1750 in Lauterbach , † 1813 in Kassel ) was a German history and landscape painter.


Johann Georg Vollmöller's brother attended high school in Lauterbach (Hesse) . He entered the service of the princely bishopric of Fulda . In the state and estate calendar of 1794 he is listed as court painter.

Vollmöller specialized in depicting historical events, portraits of important politicians of his time and landscape painting. He painted in pastel, oil and made miniatures. The Belgian engraver and painter Egid Verhelst (1733–1804) engraved a view of Brückenau after a painting by Vollmöller in copper.

Due to the upheavals of the French Revolution , he came to the court of Jérôme Bonaparte in 1807 , who ruled the then Kingdom of Westphalia from Kassel ( Wilhelmshöhe Castle ). In 1810 Johann Vollmöller fell mentally deranged and was locked in the local madhouse, where he died in the year of the Battle of Leipzig in 1813. His body was buried in Kassel.
