Johann zu Solms

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Count Johann zu Solms (* 1464 ; † October 31, 1483 in Alexandria ) was Hereditary Prince of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich . He died returning from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land .


Johann zu Solms was the eldest son of Count Kuno zu Solms and the Walpurgis of Dhaun-Kyrburg. He was betrothed to Elisabeth von Pfalz-Zweibrücken (1469–1500) in 1482 . In 1483 he was the leader of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. His companion Bernhard von Breidenbach wrote the much- noticed pilgrim report peregrinatio in terram sanctam about this pilgrimage , which was first published in Latin from 1486 and soon afterwards was also translated into the vernacular. In Jerusalem , Count Johann zu Solms became a Knight of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on July 16, according to another statement on July 17, 1483 . On the return journey he died on October 31, 1483 in Alexandria of the Ruhr and was buried in St. Michael's Church.

Due to his death, the line of succession in the Solms family fell to his younger brother Philipp von Solms-Lich (1468–1544). His fiancée was betrothed to Count Johann Ludwig von Nassau-Saarbrücken in 1487 and married to him in 1492.


  • Rudolf zu Solms-Laubach: History of the Count and Princely House of Solms . Frankfurt am Main 1865, p. 178. Online