Johannes Augustanus Faber

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Johannes Augustanus Faber (* around 1470 in Augsburg , † 1530 probably in Salzburg ) was a Dominican.

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Faber completed a theology degree in Italy and entered the theological faculty in Freiburg im Üechtland , where he was a doctor of theology and philosophy in 1515. From 1512 he worked for almost 20 years as prior of the Augsburg monastery and as vicarius generalis for the German province of the Dominicans. During his time as prior, the Dominican Church was rebuilt from 1512 to 1515 . For this he received a cheer , which would have required the approval of the emperor. The lack of appropriate approval led to an interim dispute with the government.

In 1515 Faber faced a public disputation at the University of Bologna on predestination, indulgences for the deceased, usury and other questions. Shortly after his return home, he was appointed imperial council. After Maximilian I's death , he wrote a funeral speech on behalf of the emperor, which reveals aspects worth knowing about the emperor's character and way of life.

Faber showed sympathy for the humanists for a while and thus became a friend respected by Erasmus . In the beginning he took a position for Luther in an anonymous writing . This document is an important example of the attitudes that dominated some Catholics after the Worms Reichstag . During the Reichstag, Faber gave a sensational speech and then distanced himself from the humanists.

What Faber did afterwards is only partially known. In 1524 he had to leave Augsburg in the meantime due to radical elements. After his final expulsion the following year, he lived in exile until his death.


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  1. ^ Latinized for Johannes Schmidt from Augsburg